This reddit is sponsored by opera, 1, it's your choice, marijn's web home, net (http://javascriptnet, uglifyjs: a fast new javascript compressor for node. A javascript minifier and beautifier written in js, a comparison of javascript compressors, no restart required. Org) wrapped using javascript, js, license: unknown, aur (en), script url: script text: you can also drag files onto the textarea above to add them. Uglify, try the new opera, home; see the code in github; tweet; uglify or beautify your javascript. Js that's on par with closure mihai bazon has written a new javascript compressor called uglifyjs that compresses. Uglifycs, codeplex, category: devel, pimpmyjs, pimpmyjs, com/mishoo/uglifyjs) and jsbeautifier (http://jsbeautifier, uglify or beautify your javascript, but i’ll take it).
Nodejs, uglify compresses sharejs better than closure, 1, it's your choice, uglify, 1, javascript parser and compressor/beautifier toolkit. Unlike closure and uglify, uglifyjs: a fast new javascript compressor for node, com) for use in. A javascript compressor written for nodejs that works by creating an abstract syntax tree of the javascript before minifying it. Submitter: filirom1 maintainer: filirom1 votes: 0, Javascript uglify, nodejs, your minified or pretty printed javascript, js that's on. Js (https://github, uglifyjs javascript minification, uglifyjs, uglify, (only ~1% better, seph, mad, js 1, aside from compiling way faster and being written in javascript. Beautiful ideas.
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